18.06.2024, 07:20

The Boston Celtics won the NBA for the first time in 16 years, becoming the most titled club in the history of the tournament

The Boston Celtics won the NBA for the first time in 16 years, becoming the most titled club in the history of the tournament

In the fifth game of the NBA Finals series, the Boston Celtics defeated the Dallas Mavericks with a score of 106-88, becoming the season champions.

The last time Boston won the championship rings was 16 years ago, in the 2007-2008 season. Back then, the Celtics beat the Los Angeles Lakers 4-2 in the series.

With this victory, Boston now has a total of 18 NBA championships, making it the most titled club in history. The Lakers are in second place with 17 championships, followed by the Golden State Warriors with 7.

Thus, Boston has become the most titled club in the NBA, winning the championship rings for the 18th time in history. The Los Angeles Lakers are in second place with 17 championships, and the Golden State Warriors are in third place with 7 championships.


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