08.07.2024, 07:56

Djokovic Highlights Global Issues in Modern Tennis

Djokovic Highlights Global Issues in Modern Tennis

The 24-time Grand Slam champion, Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic, highlighted the issues present in modern tennis.

“We need to increase the number of players who make a living from tennis. Very rarely do I see in the media that you guys write about the fact that there are only about 350 to 400 players, men, women, singles, and doubles, who make a living from this sport on this planet,” Djokovic said at a press conference at Wimbledon.

Additionally, the Serbian player mentioned that millions of people love tennis, but the game is not accessible to them. For instance, in Serbia, there is no strong tennis federation. Djokovic proposed a collective effort to solve the problem of tennis accessibility.

The third issue the athlete highlighted is that currently, many are transitioning from tennis to padel or pickleball. This suggests that maintaining such courts is financially more convenient, practical, and simply much more profitable than maintaining tennis courts.


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