20.11.2023, 09:14

Nigeria Customs Service Men’s Basketball Team Triumphs in NBBF Premier League Championship

Nigeria Customs Service Men’s Basketball Team Triumphs in NBBF Premier League Championship

The Nigeria Customs Service Men’s Basketball Team emerged as champions in the Nigerian Basketball Federation (NBBF) Premier Basketball Men’s Final Eight Championships, Savannah Conference, in Abuja. They achieved victory against the Gboko City Chiefs with a close score of 83-78 on 11 November 2023, ensuring their spot in the Final Eight Playoffs in Lagos.

The team, led by Coach Muhammed Abba, won all 13 matches in the league, defeating teams like Nile University, Kano Pillars, and Gombe Bulls. Their consistent performance led them to top the league table and secure a place in the playoffs, with the Gboko City Chiefs coming in second.

Superintendent Akinwale Fatoki, the Public Relations Officer of the Training Doctrine Command, highlighted the team's dominance and ambition to participate in the Basketball Africa League (BAL). The upcoming Final Eight Playoffs will include the top two teams from both the Savannah and Atlantic Conferences, with the winner representing Nigeria at the BAL in Kigali, Rwanda.

Benjamin Carter
Sports Analyst


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