Celebrating a momentous comeback, Onome Ebi, an esteemed player of the Super Falcons, recently marked her return to Nigerian football after a remarkable 13-year career overseas. Her journey, once considered unfeasible, reached a climax as she proudly wore the Naija Ratels jersey in the NWFL's opening game.
The emotions of joy and fulfilment were evident as Ebi played her first match with Naija Ratels, a significant event in her remarkable journey. "Rejoining our local league, a dream I once thought unachievable after nearly 13 years abroad, is now a reality. My first game with Naija Ratels is a significant milestone in this incredible journey." Ebi reflected on the post-match against the Nasarawa Amazons.
This occasion was further enriched by the presence of emerging talents from both her team and the opponents, capturing the moment in post-game photographs. The opposing players, expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to play alongside Ebi, described it as a dream come true, aligning perfectly with Ebi's mission to inspire upcoming players and contribute to the league's development.